Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jake Fried's awesome artwork with Stunning Animation With Ink, White-Out and Coffee

As an art lover I recently heard the name of Jake Fried. And when I saw his artwork, I was awe struck - for what he had produced with the help of ink, white-out and coffee. Yes I coffee that you and I drink specially when it is as cold as it is at this time of the year with snow falling outside.

When I saw his art work, I wanted to know a little bit about the artist and I luckily found a small introduction by Jake about him:
My name is Jake Fried - pronounced "freed" not like those greasy potatoes that are fried. I am a freshman in the scholars program at University of Maryland majoring in computer science. I graduated from Ramaz high school in Manhattan, NY. I program computers for fun. That's right, for fun. My other hobbies, when I'm too tired to program, include reading, gaming, tennis and skiing.
Scroll down for more of artwork and a few videos.



Some of the videos on Jake's art work are as under:

This is how the hobby of painting develops into innovative art work using different mediums and materials. Jake's use of ink and coffee is really innovative, different and impressive. And I am sure you would agree with me after seeing and watching his paintings and animations.

[via Jake Fried]


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