Thursday, January 31, 2013

Portraits: Back and White Photography or Pencil Sketches

Man can be deceived by what he sees by men who have talent, expertise and grasp over their skills.

Kelvin's extraordinary art work - Lady Diana [top], Jmaes Morrison [bottom L], Mother Tresa [bottom R]

And this is what British artist Kelvin Okafor exactly does by drawing portraits with pencils - but it takes an expert eye to differentiate these from an actual photograph to a pencil drawn portrait.

Kelvin's art work shows his extraordinary skills of pencil drawings, created purely by hand — with no digital trickery.

Kelvin Okafor, whose only tools are a set of pencils, a piece of paper and the occasional stick of charcoal (though most of the pictures don’t even require that). Yet no matter how closely one looks, there’s not a pencil line in sight.

Kelvin says about his art work:
‘I draw in sections. I’m right-handed so I work from left to right. After I’ve finished the left eye, I work the nostrils, then the left side of the cheek, then the lips. I always work in that order. I work for four hours in one go, take a half-hour break, work another four to five hours, then have another half-hour break. After that I’ll work for as long as I can. Sometimes I might work ten to 15 hours in one day. It takes me on average 80 to 100 hours to do a portrait.’
Watch the video below as to how Kelvin creates his masterpieces:

Read more about Kelvin's Artwork at: Mail Online

Friday, January 25, 2013

Beware of Sea Urchins: These can be life threatening

Diving into sea is one of the many hobbies for the people around the world. Divers usually come across small Sea Urchins which are thorny and spiny, globular animals found on the sea beds. These small animals look beautiful perched between rocks, coloutful reef and plants and admired.

But beware!! These small thorny creatures can be deadly and life threatening. But Callum Hall 20 did not know this.

Callum, with girlfriend Ailish Wilkinson, before [L] and after [R] being stung by the sea urchin [Photo credit: Wilkinson ]

Callum Hall was on holidays and boating when he jumped into the sea off the island of Skiathos, Greece and stepped over a sea urchin. But this sting cost him with his lower bottom half for life, at least for now.

The sea urchin felt like a bee sting to Callum - but he did not think of the incident anymore. However, three weeks later he developed a rare and deadly infection. The sting of the urchin in fact caused  abscess twice the size of a tennis ball had grown on his spine, which then burst, damaging his spinal cord and leaving him paralyzed from the chest down.

Although the damage has been done, but a determined Callum, a sports student is determined to walk again and is raising money as possible for continuing physio, equipment and care.

Callum has vowed not to be defeated  - and now plans to take part in the 2016 Paralympic Games in Brazil.

What to do if you are stung by a sea urchin:

Beware: Sea Urchins can be deadly and life threatening

  • A puncture wound from a sea urchin (like the one pictured, right) can be painful and cause swelling and redness around the affected area. 
  • If you have been stung by a sea urchin, and you have puncture wounds in several places, you may experience more severe symptoms including: tiredness, weakness, aching muscles, shock, respiratory failure and paralysis.
  • The NHS says that in very rare cases, severe injuries from sea urchins have been known to cause death.
  • You should seek immediate medical attention if the symptoms include breathing problems, chest pain, signs of infection, such as increased redness and swelling in the affected area, and a high temperature of 38C or above.
  • Medical assistance is also required if there are spines in or near a joint, as they may need to be surgically removed.
via Mail Online

A man's love for gardening grows in a bottle sine 1960

Gardening is one of the most liked and practiced hobby around the world that includes me and my wife too. Each year we plant many types of plant that gave our a refreshing, colourful and aromatic look during the Spring.

Still going strong: Pensioner David Latimer from Cranleigh, Surrey, with his bottle garden that was first planted 53 years ago and has not been watered since 1972 - yet continues to thrive in its sealed environment [Photo: BNPS/Mail Online]

But there is someone who is growing his garden in a large gree bottle since 1960 - amazing, isn't it?

Well yes it is amazing, innovative, awesome and interesting. David Latimer first planted his bottle garden in 1960 and last watered it in 1972 before tightly sealing it shut 'as an experiment'

And to his surprise, the hardy spiderworts plant inside has grown to fill the 10-gallon container by surviving entirely on recycled air, nutrients and water.

He hopes to pass on the ‘experiment’ to his grown-up children after he is gone.


How the Bottle Garden Grows:

If you have been inspired by Latimer and his bottle garden and want to experiment this, here some tips as to how you have to go about it:
  • The idea of a bottle garden is to create a world in microcosm. It will have its own special habitat and should require little maintenance, writes Nigel Colborn.
  • First choose a glass container. It will need a wide neck for easy access and to look attractive. A goldfish bowl is ideal, or for children, a big jam jar might do.
  • You'll also need some good-quality potting compost, shingle or coarse grit and, of course, the plants.
  • Use a large spoon to insert a layer of grit into the jar and cover that with compost deep enough to accommodate the plant roots. 
  • Finally, introduce the plants. You'll need very few and they must be tiny specimens - unless it's an enormous receptacle. Little ferns such as indoor maidenhair or Adiantum, small varieties of Tradescantia and baby plants of Chlorophytum will all establish easily. Miniature trailers such as 'Mind-your-own-business' (Soleirolia) will also flourish.
  • Move each plant gently into position, adjusting them with a stick or with kitchen tongs until you've got them where you want them. Adding a final layer of grit after planting will hold the compost down and make your micro-garden look prettier.
  • Water with extreme care (your jar won't need much) and place the finished mini garden in a well-lit spot, but not on a hot south-facing windowsill.
Watch video below to learn how to make your own terrarium"

via Mail Online

Monday, January 21, 2013

Rare Octagonal stamp with Queen Victoria's head upside-down expected to fetch £70,000

Good news for stamp collectors!!

A rare 159-year-old octagonal stamp that has an image of the head of Queen Victoria on upside down due to a printing mistake is to go on for auction. Auctioneers Spink of London has put an estimate of between 50,000 to 70,000 pounds.

The auction takes place on January 23.

The postage stamp is said to be one of the most sought-after items in the world of philately. During the first printing of the four annas stamp in the survey office in Calcutta in 1854, the Queen's head was accidentally printed upside down on the stamp.

Only about 20 or 30 of the stamps remain in existence today and the one that is to be auctioned is said to be completely free of faults or blemishes.


It was in the collection of renowned US philatelist Robert Cunliffe for many years and is now being sold by another private collector.

The mistake went unnoticed and dozens of the stamps were sold in India, which was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire at the time.

via Mail Online

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mysterious object found zipping over the moon

While NASA may have better explanation for this, but a recently uploaded armature  astronomer's video shows a mysterious object zipping over the surface of the moon.

Mysterious Object marked in red circle 

Scroll down for video

The user, danchek2013, has uploaded a video that shows a moving object emerging from the shadowy landscape of the moon's surface and then seemingly accelerating over the craters, before changing direction at breakneck speed and heading towards the bottom of the screen.

Intriguingly, it appears to leave vapour trails, similar to a plane, in its wake.


User 'King Dennis Jensen' said: 'At first I was like "meh another satellite" and then one more showed up faster than the other and it did all those swift angle movements.. Quite interesting indeed.'
Nathan5638 simply said: 'That's legit people!'

Well what it is - no one for now is very sure to answer. Maybe some clue is found by experienced astronomers or for that matter NASA.

Watch the video below and see the mysterious object zipping over the moon surface:

via Mail Online

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

World's tallest 'Indoor' Tornado causes Real Storm (of visitors)

We have seen devastating tornadoes ripping apart buildings and houses when these natural calamities strike. These are really awesome and most feared.

The world's first 'Indoor' Tornado [Credit: WENN]
Scroll down for video

But there is a man made tornado at the Mercedes-Benz's museum  that has caused a real storm (of visitors , who are flocking in great numbers to witness this amazing, innovative and exciting tornado.

Powered by 144 jet motors, a mighty tornado stands 112 ft tall in the German car inside museum atrium.

The tornado in fact is the Mercedes-Benz museum’s state-of-the-art fire safety system created to effectively dispel smoke in case of a fire. It takes seven minutes to whirl 28 tons of potentially hazardous smoke through the roof vents in a 112ft high tornado.


But beside its designed use, it has become a great tourist attraction and tourists and visitors line up to watch it.

it may be added for information that the Mercedes-Benz Museum, designed by Dutch architectural design studio UNStudio, functions as a modern exhibition space and also features over 150 Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

Watch the video below:

Read more about it at: Mail Online

Monday, January 14, 2013

A photographer's love for a dead Oak Tree for Seven Years

Photography is one of the wwidely adopted hobby around the world. While in olden days, the number of photography hobbyists were less as only a few could afford cameras, now everyone has a mobile phone with a camera to satisfy their instinctive hobby of capturing scenes instantly. And even some of my photos taken by my mobile phone have dazzling results.

But by and by, the hobby becomes a passion and a few take photography as seriously as their profession. And then masterpiece results emerge.

Kevi Day with his Dead Oak Tree

Kevin Day, 55, is one such photographer, whose passion for photography has overtaken his hobby and has taken him to places and 'objects' that ordinary do not even look it.


He spotted a dead oak tree in a local park and he instantly fell in love with it and for seven long years, he has been visiting the park and composing the lone dead oak tree from different angles, time of the day and weather conditions.

While ordinary viewers would love these compositions too, it would be the serious photographers who would really appreciate the skills, passion and determination of Kevin Day in composing the dead ok tree - and making it his lifetime possession.

See more photos of Kevin Day at: Mail Online
Photos credit: Kevin Day / Rex Features

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mysterious zombie planet found orbiting the 'Eye of Sauron'

'Breaking News' for Atronomy lovers!!

Astronomers have found a mysterious 'zombie' planet circling a vast debris disc inside the 'Eye of Sauron' star system, reports Mail Online quoting NASA.

Chronological movement of the zombie planet Fomalhaut as tracked by NASA [Photo: NASA]

The newly released NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of the eye shaped star, officially called Fomalhaut, and a mysterious planet, called Fomalhaut b, may provide forensic evidence of a titanic planetary disruption in the system.

The planet, called Fomalhaut b, swings as close to its star as 4.6 billion miles, and the outermost point of its orbit is 27 billion miles away from the star.


Astronomers were surprised to find the debris belt is wider than previously known, spanning a section of space from 14 to nearly 20 billion miles from the star.

Watch video of the chronoligcal move of the zombie planet:

via Mail Online

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Winds of change for Monopoly symbols

Monopoly has been one of the most liked, loved and played board games around the world. And we are very familiar with the Scottie dog, top hat, a shoe or a thimble for many years, or should I say decades.

Existing Monopoly symbols

But now there is a thinking prevailing in the Monopoly's managers that time has come to say goodbye to the old pals and replace these with some pragmatic ones. Maker Hasbro has decreed that the time has come to introduce a new piece. Contenders include a diamond ring, helicopter, cat, robot and a guitar.

Proposed symbols

Well I would go along with most of the changes, but since when a CAT has become a pragmatic or a new symbol - did not we have cats when dogs were there?


However before the decision is finally taken, fans have been asked to cast their votes at by February 5.

But since the commencement of debate on Facebook  a heated debate has started and many long-time Monopoly lovers have reacted sharply to the proposal:
One enthusiast said: ‘Players have their favourites and each token means something to someone. Change for change sake is not needed, it will not change the game or  make it any more fun than it already is.’ 
Another said: ‘Don’t like this idea. Have played Monopoly using the dog for nearly 20yrs wouldn't be the same without it!!’
So cast your vote well if you want to modernize Monopoly, or otherweise.

via Mail Online

Around the world in 80 days? No - 36 Years

Traveling has always been a passion among people from around the globe. But if adventure is added to it, it become, thrilling, exciting, fun and a bit dangerous too. 

There was a film that was made in 1956 with the title of 'Around the World in 80 Days.' The film was based on fiction, a novel written by Jules Verne. The star studded film, directed by Michael Anderson, had the main characters of the film performed by some of the famous and finest actors of the time including David Niven, Cantinflas, Shirley MacLaine and Robert Newton. The supporting roles were performed by equally famous performers like Frank Sinatra, Marlene Dietrich, Trevor Howard, Buster Keaton, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Rober Cabal, Charle Boyer, John Mills, Melvine Cooper and many ohers.  John Wayne turned down an offer for the role of the Colonel leading the Cavalry charge, which was later performed by Col. Tim McCoy.

The film revolves around an interesting plot wherein an English gentleman Phileas Fogg (David Niven) claims he can circumnavigate the world in eighty days somewhere in 1872. He makes a £20,000 wager (equal to £1,324,289 today) with several skeptical fellow members of the Reform Club, that he can arrive back within 80 days before exactly 8:45 pm. And then the fun starts. The films takes off from Paris in a helium balloon and then takes you around Spain, India, Hong Kong, San Fransisco and through the wild West before culminating in the Reform Club. 

There was another movie with the same name made in 2004, wherein a bet pits a British inventor, a Chinese thief, and a French artist on a worldwide adventure that they can circle the globe in 80 days. The story is different from the story in the book written by Jules Verne, but this movie had its own  peculiarity as filmed in other places with different adventures. Jackie Chan, Steve Coogan and Jim Broadbent were the main stars of this version of the Around the World in Eighty Days. You may watch the trailer of the film here.
Motion Picture Around the World in 80 Days: 1956 (L) - 2004 (R)
And yet again there has been an adventure of a real kind in which Kien Lam from San Francisco has ventured an 'Around the world in 6,237 photos and in 343 days.' Kien Lam captured over 6,000 photos taken from his Panasonic Lumix GF-1 camera of the 17 countries he visited and traveled in 343 days. When he returned, he joined together these thousands of beautiful photos edited in Adobe Lightroom, Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro. He then transformed the photos in a 290 seconds long time-lapse video which I shared awhile ago at Jaho Jalal and can be seen here.

While the earlier two movies were based on fiction, the short time-line video of 290 second by Lam has realism in it as it is actually been traveled and photographed, though there is not induced adventurism or drama in it. But it can be called as the most modern use of travel means and photographic gadgets and techniques to capture the place visited and traveled.
Bill And Laurel Cooper: Around the world in 36 Years - Bill and Laurel (L: 2005), Laurel  (R: 1981)
But what I am going to talk today is another real-life travel spread over some 36 years or we can say 13,140 days. This is the journey by a couple Bill and Laurel Cooper who in 1974 decided to sail to different and distant places around the glob and continue doing so till they thought it was enough of a fun. In 1974 Bill was almost 48 years and still energetic to undertake this adventure with his wife Laurel.

Their odyssey spanning  more than three decades and 100,000 miles, berthing in 45 different countries, has finally ended with the docking of their third boat at river Medway at Kent, UK. 

During thier almost lifelong sailing, they have docked at the ports of Gibraltar, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Sicily, Sardinia, Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Canary Islands, Caribbean islands, Rhode Island, the US coast, Portugal, Cadiz, Morocco, Greek islands, Monaco, Azores, Lowestoft, Corsica, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Tunisia and Cambrai.

However unlike the fiction journey of the Jules Verne, they did not come to Asia or Australia. Their journey mostly centered around Europe and coming to Turkey at best in Asian continent. 

Summarizing their 36 years on the sea, Laurel Cooper, now 82 says:
I’m like  a cat, I can be comfortable anywhere – it’s how I have survived all this time. Bill’s a brilliant sailor. He was very much the captain and I was the mate – he would always steer and I dropped the anchor. We have had an absolutely amazing life. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.'
Read more at Mail Online about this amazing journey around almost around the world by this now elderly couple who devoted their life at sea, visiting places and destinations many have only dreamed of.

via Jaho Jalal

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Composing two of the Masterpieces by Beethoven

Those of us who love music in its true sense would be very familiar with one of the greatest composers and musicians of all times – Ludwig Van Beethoven. Long time ago, I had happened to listen to the 5th of Beethoven – a symphony that’s one of his greatest work of music.

Then one day, I watched a programme on TV on Beethoven and there I came to know how the 5th of Beethoven was composed. In his later days, Beethoven had become deaf and could not hear properly. One day he was sitting on a ridge in an overcast day. Suddenly the lightening started flashing and the clouds start to thunder. The deaf Beethoven saw the flashlights bolting across the sky and his mind raced with the nature. He then ran back to his place and translated the flashing lights across an overcast sky into one of his classics and greatest – the 5th of Beethoven.

Those who haven’t listened to this symphony may click on the link below and when the music plays, just imagine sitting on a ridge all alone, with ears plugged so that no outside sound is heard and then imagine lightening flashing across the sky and rain falling on you. This is exactly what happened to Beethoven.


As for the Moonlight Sonata, this was composed for a blind girl he knew. She had listened to her family talking about nature – the blue waters of the river, the beautiful aromatic flowers in the garden, the moving of the clouds and the shimmering moonlight that fascinated everyone. Beethoven thought of composing a composition that could make the blind girl feel as she was sitting in a moonlit night. And thus he created his one of the very best Moonlight Sonata.

This is how great people please those who are not gifted wholly by the Nature. Try helping out someone someday who is not as gifted as you.

Related Links to Beethoven’s Music:

Passion of Zorbing takes life of father of two

Zorbing, originated form the New Zealand, is one of the very less adopted hobby of a few daring young men around the world. Zorbing is confining oneself into a large inflatable rubber ball and rolling down a mountain slope.

The two men going down in the large ball - the bottom right photo is the last view of the ball before plunging over the cliff

But this is rather adventurous hobby can be deadly and result into horrific ending. And this is exactly what happened when Denis Burakov, 27, married with two young daughters, broke his neck and spine in the zorbing accident, reports Mail Online.

Burakov and his companion Vladimir Shcherbov, 33, decided to roll down on a snow mountain slope in the southern Russia on a ski resort. But the inflatable ball, which has no means of controlling once rolled down a slope, crashing through rocks and teeters on the edge of ravine - before disappearing from view, over the cliff, resulting into the death of Burakov, who was found with broken neck and spine.


His companionon Shcherbov survived and has been hospitalized with concussion and multiple lacerations to the head and body, but miraculously was later released.

Watch the video of the horrific incident with the ball getting out of control.

[via Mail Online ]

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jake Fried's awesome artwork with Stunning Animation With Ink, White-Out and Coffee

As an art lover I recently heard the name of Jake Fried. And when I saw his artwork, I was awe struck - for what he had produced with the help of ink, white-out and coffee. Yes I coffee that you and I drink specially when it is as cold as it is at this time of the year with snow falling outside.

When I saw his art work, I wanted to know a little bit about the artist and I luckily found a small introduction by Jake about him:
My name is Jake Fried - pronounced "freed" not like those greasy potatoes that are fried. I am a freshman in the scholars program at University of Maryland majoring in computer science. I graduated from Ramaz high school in Manhattan, NY. I program computers for fun. That's right, for fun. My other hobbies, when I'm too tired to program, include reading, gaming, tennis and skiing.
Scroll down for more of artwork and a few videos.



Some of the videos on Jake's art work are as under:

This is how the hobby of painting develops into innovative art work using different mediums and materials. Jake's use of ink and coffee is really innovative, different and impressive. And I am sure you would agree with me after seeing and watching his paintings and animations.

[via Jake Fried]

Friday, January 4, 2013

Most Unusual and Amazing Fountains around the world

Fountains are always fascinating with their innovative designs, placement and the sound created by water falling on rocks or in the ponds - this is really very pleasing. Some fountains assume immortality like the Trevi Fountain in Rome Italy, on which was based a beautiful love story of Hollywood film 'Three Coins in the Fountain.'

Then there is the grand Music Fountain of Dubai, which attracts thousands of visitors every night at the Dubai Mall. The fountain is overlooked by the world's tallest building, Burj Dubai. If you happen to be in Dubai, don't miss out this fountain from your 'must see' list. When I visited Dubai, I did make it a point to see this fountain and make video of the swaying water shots up in the sky - it was amazing.

But the fountains are everywhere in every country and city, small and big. However, some of these countless fountains make them stand out from the rest. Herein under is a collections of twenty such fountains that are not only amazing, but unusual as well in their design, style and innovation architecture.

See for yourself:


Photos courtesy Funzug

One Pound Fish to be 'sold' by Shahid Nazir at Le Grand Journal show - Paris

Muhammad Shahid Nazir, the One Pound Fish fame solo singer is going to France to sell Fish for One Pound at the annual Le Grand Journal show in Paris.

Although Shahid Nazir left for his home country Pakistan from UK in December, where he earned the fame in London selling fish, he is hopeful that he will get UK visa so that he continue to warm up the hearts of his countless fans there. Shahid was given a warm welcome at Lahore Air Port on his arrival, garlanded with fresh roses and carried on shoulders to the car parking from the air port terminal. Even ion his hometown, the children who do not understand a word of English are seen singing 'One Pound Fish' in the streets.

Already, several columns have been written and many leading commentators questioning why the government was quick in sending a singer out of the country, who brought smiles and joy to millions of people near Christmas 2012, while convicted terror radicals such as Jordanian Abu Qatada and many other convicts continued to enjoy Britain’s hospitality.

Reportedly, Shahid Nazir, who has become a household name in Britain, has been quoted as saying:
“I am going to appear in France’s biggest show. It’s anyone’s dream to appear in this show but I believe it’s Allah’s special blessing that I have been given visa without any hesitation. France has shown respect to my country and I am thankful to the French authorities for being kind towards me and allowing me a chance to meet my French fans.”


Shahid Nazir’s song has been watched by nearly 12 million people so far and everyday more than 200,000 people are watching the official song. Warner Music Group has released a slick new music video for ‘One Pound Fish’ replete with scantily-clad video babes, a pounding beat, and maybe a little bit of auto-tune, just for good measure.

It is believed Warner Music is making arrangements to take Nazir to America where he will duet with the likes of Timberland and other rap music stars.

via The News

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Black holes weighing 40 billion suns discovered

How big is the universe  - one would never know. But recently scientists have discovered black holes weighing 40 billion suns - and mind you these are just one set of God knows how many black holes 'out there.'

This NASA image shows a new image of a ring - not of jewels - but of black holes. This composite image of Arp 147, a pair of interacting galaxies located about 430 million light years from Earth, shows X-rays from the NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (pink) and optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope (red, green, blue) produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute, or STSc (AFP Photo / NASA)

However, the present discovery is the largest ever black holes discovered so far. These giants, all located in far-off galaxies about 1.3 billion light years from Earth, are more common than scientists originally thought.

Scientists refer to them as ‘ultramassive’ black holes, not to confuse them with ‘supermassive’ holes, with only a few confirmed examples.

A survey, conducted by author Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo of Stanford University and her team, showed that at least ten out of 18 galaxies they studied had black holes that may weigh up to 40 billion times the mass of the sun.


"Ultramassive black holes – that is, black holes with masses exceeding 10 billion solar masses – are probably not rare; several and even dozens of these colossal black holes may exist," said Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, the study's lead author.

To estimate the size of these ultramassive holes, Hlavacek-Larrondo and her colleagues analyzed the X-rays and radio waves generated by black holes when they destroy the gas, dust, and stars near them. The black holes they found turned out to be roughly 10 times larger than expected, given the size of their respective host galaxies.

Read more about the discovery of these black holes at RT

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Superman 'spotted' soaring around California's Pacific coast

It has been reported that Superman has been 'spotted' soaring around the California's Pacific Coast.

Superman 'spotted' soaring around California's Pacific Coast

Well yes he certainly has been spotted flying along the coast line and seen by many. Passerby Kyle Gough was cycling with a friend in Carlsbad when the superhero flew by. He quickly reached for his phone and began filming, and the resulting footage is now going viral on YouTube.

However, with a one big 'But."


The Superman which has been spotted is in fact was a life size remote controlled Superman which took many people by surprise and wonder.

Lycra-clad hero is thought to be first remote-controlled unit of its kind.

Watch the video below of 'launching' of the Superman:

Via Mail Online

Creative Bow Ties

There is no limit to a man's imagination in inventing things, nor there is a limit on hobbyists collecting weird things. Take for instance the bow ties we often see gentlemen wearing on formal functions with their black suits at dinners or even Hollywood stars when attending Oscar Awards ceremonies. They look elegant.

But what if you want to look a little colourful, little different? Well the innovative minds have the answers and there are collectors out there ready to collect as many as these creative bow ties for fun.

The Superman comic's bow tie

One such innovative mind is New York-based artist Nicholas Tee Ruiz, who has revamped the classic bow tie to help its wearers tap into their inner professor. In his ‘Bow Tie Collection'—which he created while working for The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)— Ruiz used everyday materials, such as film, LEGOs, guitar picks, pills and corks, to create wearable art in the form of bow ties.

While you would like to wear a Superman's comic bow tie when you go watching a Superman movie, there are many other surprises Nicholas Tee Ruiz has for you. Scroll down and see his wonders:

 Well this one could come handy if encountered with muggers!!
 This is specially for those who can wait for a delayed dinner - if it is really delayed, eat up the bow tie!!

Well if you find a $100 bill too cheap, make a bow tie out of it - Uncle Scrooge or Richie Rich can use a bill of higher denomination


Well that is not the end, there are still some more - continue to watch:

 If the flight is delayed and you don't have a book to read, loosen up your collar for a while and 'read' your bow tie.

The Farm Fresh!! Straight from the farm

I hope you would like to have some or all of these for all seasons and occasions.

All photos above have been shared by exclusive permission from FunZug

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