Thursday, December 30, 2010

Easy ways to make money online in Pakistan

Year 2010 was big for Pakistan blogsphere. Able Pakistani bloggers did a wonderful job covering everything from WikiLeaks to fight against terrorism in addition to traditional raves and rants and hobby blogs in exponentially growing blogsphere. Walk around online and you can see prize winning blogs with a strong voice and reach out.

Many of the Pakistani bloggers are also making passive income through their blog work (AdSense, links backs, sponsored ads). But there are no meaningful examples of outright making money through blogging and Internet in Pakistan.Need is to go active for making money in local market.

Given my personal experience, I can’t agree to these old myths: Pakistan doesn’t have sound infrastructure, we have yet not developed online culture, corporate sector has yet not realized the importance of powerful online presence and more. Pakistan does have infrastructure including WiFi and broadband, Pakistani users base is one of the largest in the world (ask facebook) and a lot of local businesses are shifting online and looking for ways to create buzz in online world.

The only thing that seems lacking is that Pakistani bloggers, perhaps still shy, are not presenting themselves as available to work with corporate sector, marketers and advertisers. I suggest local bloggers should approach local businesses, including those who are doing business in global market, and tell them what they can do for them. I can assure you that they will find a lot of opportunities out there. That ‘seth’ culture where owner use to think what has been working good for m grandfather is working for me good’ has changed. Now CEOs look up to search engines to get new clients and customers. Given the unavailability PayPal, that limits Pakistani bloggers from working with foreign businesses, they have more reasons to explore local market.

After having worked with local TV channels, many NGOs, businesses and services, let me confess that it is easy to work with local businesses and easier to make money online in Pakistan. Make 2011, making money online year!


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