Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stamps of Denmark in my stamp album

The three rows in the centre above bear the portrait of King Frederick IX who was the Danish monarch from April 1947 till 14 January 1972 when he died of illness. Frederick's reign saw great change. During these years, Danish society shook off the restrictions of an agricultural society and developed a welfare state. And, as a consequence of the booming economy of the 1960s, women entered the labour market. In other words, Denmark became a modern country, which meant new demands on the monarchy. 

Denmark at present is being reigned by Queen Margrethe II, who took the reins on 14 January 1972, after the death of King Frederick IX. As a constitutional monarch, the Queen is limited to non-partisan, ceremonial functions. The ultimate executive authority over the government of Denmark is still by and through the monarch's royal reserve powers; in practice these powers are only used according to laws enacted in Parliament or within the constraints of convention. 

The postal services in Denmark trace back their origin to 21 December 1864 when the postal envelopes were first produced in Denmark. Envelopes were only produced in two values to cover the first weight class for both the local rate and the inland rate. The local postal rate for letters was discontinued after 1 April 1957. The letter cards were first issued on 3 September 1888 and their production finally came to an end in 1979. By then a total of 83 different items had been issued in this category. Postcards that were first used in 1871 are still being used. Likewise, the aerogramme which were introduced in 1949 are still in use.


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