Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How a car engine works

There are many people around the world whose hobby is to get to know things - how things work. And this quest leads to some simple solutions in maintenance of gadgets and stuff.

Long ago, while attending my technical classes in the military, we were exposed to the car engine and how it worked. We had a lifer-size actual model of the engine in which the crank and piston moved with the help of a laboriously rotated handle. We had books too which showed the motion of a four stroke engine cycle in colours. But at that time, there was nothing interactive available except for some training movies that were shown only once.

But with the age of things getting digitally, it has long been possible to see how things work on a simple page with interactive graphics.

If you are interested in knowing how a car engine works, just scroll down the inforgraphic below and you will learn in seconds the simple 'how.'

How A Car Engine Works, by Jacob O'NealInfographic designed by Jacob O'Neal


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